Dragging and Dropping Model Entities

The drag-and-drop feature in the SmartInsight Model Designer work area allows the user to drag and drop model entities from the Model Design Panel to the Model Design Canvas.

Follow the steps below to drag-and-drop a model entity from the Model Design Panel to the Model Design Canvas:

  1. Access the Report Model Designer.
  2. Open an existing report model or create a new report model.
  3. In the Design Panel Data Model tab, expand the headings.
  4. Press and hold down the left mouse button on the object (highlight) to be moved to the design model canvas.
  5. Drag the object to the desired location on the model design canvas.
  6. Once the area is highlighted, release the mouse button to drop the object onto the canvas.

See Also

Managing Report Models



Thursday, January 25, 2018
10:51 AM