Report Designer Menu Definitions

The SmartInsight Designer menu is located at the top left of the SmartInsight Designer workspace.

  1. From the SmartSolve Portal Page, click the Administrator Tools tab > Designer section > SmartInsight.
    Result: The SmartInsight Report List window displays the current reports available for viewing.
  2. Click the Design New Report button.
    Result: The SmartInsight Designer workspace is displayed.

The menu is used to navigate after opening SmartInsight Designer. Each menu option has sub menus located underneath it. The following table explains the available options:

Component Definition


The Report menu option is used to create new reports, open existing reports, validate report configurations, save reports, copy reports (Save As), publish reports for saved searches,delete reports, view the report properties panel, move the reports between environments (Import | Export), and exit the report work area to return to the Admin Reports list.


The Edit menu option is used to undo the previous action made on a report, redo a previous action, and remove an existing report component (Header, Section, Column, Field, etc.).


The View menu option is used to preview the report currently being worked on in the design canvas. Also, if for any reason the design panel is closed, the Design Panel option under the View menu will re-open the design panel.


The Setup menu option is used to create a new report model or access existing report models to modify.


The Help menu option is used to access this online documentation.

See Also

Basic Report Designer Functions



Thursday, January 25, 2018
10:51 AM